5 years ago the Swaziland Government bought 70 Compact Mini Formech vacuum forming machines for educational and training purposes. When you usually sell a machine you expect that client has some understanding of the use and purpose but unfortunately after 5 years Formech was sad to find out that the majority of the machines were not being used or were being used incorrectly.
There are a lot of manufacturers that would not care about this as Formech had received their money but they decided that these machines are more than just gadgets but could provide some real benefit to Swaziland.
With that in mind and with the help of the Ministry of education they set up the plan to go to Swaziland and to train students and teachers how to get the most out of the machines. The team consisted of Paul Vukovich (C.E.O), Rachel Wicks (Media and Corporate social responsibility manager), Stephen Cottam (Education and Project management specialist) and Matthew Glanvill (Representing Maritime Marketing, their agents in Africa).
From left to right: Matthew Glanvill; Rachel Wicks; Paul Vukovich; Stephen Cottam
They managed to train 300 students and teachers, in four Regions, from 128 schools across Swaziland. This was done all in four days and was extensive in what it covered. The students and teachers were taught a crash course in moulding, types of plastic, uses for vacuum forming and trained how to maintain and utilise the full potential of the machines. The costs of all the training and food were completely covered by Formech.
This was an amazing experience for all involved and it really highlighted that Formech and Maritime Marketing are not just in the business of selling but providing products that can be used and are beneficial to the client. “The help towards the client is never ending and you want them to know that you are always going to be there from the biggest issues to the smallest issue. It is great to have manufacturer with the same mind set, that produced top quality machines that are made to last and to make sure they have some major impact in a client’s life” Matthew Glanvill
Formech sponsored many teaching aids and plastic material to the schools. Many of the teachers were amazed that they still had a top of the line vacuum former and that now with knowledge imparted they would be able to help inspire their students to learn how to manufacture products on of the world’s best vacuum forming machines.
This was a mutual inspiration with both Swaziland and Formech leaving feeling inspired. The team is excited about further Educational and client support projects and are committed to making sure that the after sale service never stops despite time and amount spent.